ETQW Pro server.cfg

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(Nowa strona: jede z konfigow serwerów <c> // Etqw server config created by _KaszpiR_ // Date created: 2008-03-28 (yyyy-mm-dd) ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public and...)
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jede z konfigow serwerów
jeden z konfigow serwerów, pod ETQWPro
// Etqw server config created by _KaszpiR_
// Etqw server config created by _KaszpiR_
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vstr m1
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Aktualna wersja na dzień 20:14, 24 kwi 2008

jeden z konfigow serwerów, pod ETQWPro

// Etqw server config created by _KaszpiR_
// Date created: 2008-03-28 (yyyy-mm-dd)
// Public and contact options
set si_adminname "_KaszpiR_"            // admin name 
set si_website "" // server site
set si_email ""         // admin mail
set si_irc ""                  // irc channel
// General options
//set si_name "^1[^^1] #1 ^3@ ^8GamesNet^f.^8pl" //server name
set si_name "" //server name
set net_LANServer "0"               // lan server only (not internet one), 1 = yes, 0 = no, default  = "0"
set si_maxPlayers "14"              // maximum players on server, from 0 to 32
set si_privateClients "1"           // number of reserved slots, keep it low, like 2
// Passwords
set si_needpass "1"                 // is password required to join server, 1 = yes, 0 = no, default = "0"
set g_password "34fg"                   // password to join server, default "" - empy
set g_privatePassword "kdj743"    // private password to get into the reserved slot
set net_serverRemoteConsolePassword "43d9arb4zdfu" // rcon password
// Game options
set si_minPlayers "0"       // minimum number of players to start a game
set si_readyPercent "40"    // percent of players that are ready that ends warmup mode and starts coutdown to game start
set g_warmup "0.5"          // warmup time, float, fraction of miutes, default 0.5 = 30sec, 0.25 = 15sec
set g_allowLateJoin "1"     // allow players joined server to join allready running game, 1 = allow, 0 = not allowed (they will be on spect), default = "1"
set g_warmupDamage "1"      // enable team damage during warmup, 1 = enable, 0 = disable, default = "0" 
// Voting options
set si_disableVoting "0"    // disable voting, 1 = disable voting, 0 = allow voting, default = "0"
set g_votePassPercentage "51"  // percentage to accept voting result for such things like vote change map etc, range from 0 (any vote allows change) to 100 (all users must agree)
set g_voteWait "2.5"    // delay in minutes for how long player cannot initiate another voting , to avoid vote spam. 
// Message of the Day (motd) // motd lines that show on bottom left when awaiting for map load
set si_motd_1 ""                 
set si_motd_2 "HeadAdmin: _KaszpiR_"
set si_motd_3 "Wszelkie problemy na forum"
set si_motd_4 ""
set si_motd_5 "Serwery dzieki"
// Bot settings
bot_enable "0"                  // activate bots or not, 1 = enable, 0 = disable, default = "0"
// Other options
g_allowComplaint_charge "0"     // allow complaints for teamkills with charges, default = "0"
g_allowComplaint_explosives "0"     // allow complaints for teamkills with explosive weapons and items, default = "1"
g_allowComplaint_firesupport "0"    // allow complaints for teamkills with fire support, default = "1"
g_allowComplaint_vehicles "0"   // allow complaints for teamkills with vehicle, default = "1"
g_autoFireTeam "0"              // prompt to join a fireteam when switching to a new team, default = "0"
g_autoReadyPercent "40"         // percentage of a full server that must be in game for auto ready to start, default = "50"
g_autoReadyWait "1"             // length of time (in minutes) auto ready will wait before starting the countdown, default = "1"
g_complaintGUIDLimit "3"        // total complaints received from different players at which a player will be kicked, default = "4"
g_complaintLimit "4"            // total complaints at which a player will be kicked, default = "6"
g_disableFootsteps "0"          // enable/disable footsteps, default = "0"
g_disableGlobalAudio "0"        // disable global VOIP communication, default = "0"
g_disableTransportDebris "0"    // the parts of a destroyed/decayed vehicle that are just there for visuals and don't actually interact with anything, default = "0"
g_disableVehicleSpawns "0"      // disables vehicles spawning from construction pads, default = "0"
g_execMapConfigs "0"            // execute map cfg with same name, default = "0"
g_gameReviewPause "0.5"         // time (in minutes) for scores review time, default = "0.5"
g_gravity "1066"                // gravity, default = "1066"
g_kickBanLength "5"             // length of time (in minutes) a kicked player will be banned for, default = "2"
g_logDebugText "0"              // dunno, default = "0"
g_logObjectives "0"             // log objective completion info, default = "1"
g_logProficiency "0"            // log proficiency data, default = "1"
g_maxPlayerWarnings "3"         // maximum warnings before player is kicked, default = "0"
g_maxSpectateTime "0"           // maximum length of time (in minutes) a player may spectate for, default = "0"
g_maxVoiceChats "8"             // maximum number of voice chats a player may do in a period of time, default = "4"
g_maxVoiceChatsOver "30"        // time over which the maximum number of voice chat limit is applied, default = "30"
g_muteSpecs "0"                 // send all spectator global chat to team chat, default = "0"
g_noBotSpectate "1"             // disables the ability to spectate bots, default = "0"
g_noRouteConstraintKick "1"     // enables/disables players being kicked for deviating from routes, default = "0"
g_noRouteMaskDestruction "1"    // enables/disables the mcp being destroyed when driven outside the mask, default = "0"
g_noVehicleDecay "0"            // enables / disables vehicle decay, default = "0"
g_playerPushForce "0"         // force players can be pushed by other players, default = "200"
g_showPlayerArrows "1"          // enable/disable arrows above the heads of players, off = 0, all = 1, friendly only = 2, default = "1"
g_stopWatchMode "0"             // stopwatch mode, 0 = ABBA, 1 = ABAB, default = "0"
g_teamSwitchDelay "0"           // delay (in seconds) before player can change teams again, default = "5"
g_timeoutToSpec "0"             // timeout (in minutes) for players who are AFK to go into spectator mode, 0 = disabled, default = "0"
g_useBotsInPlayerTotal "1"      // should bots count towards the number of players required to start the game?, default = "1"
g_useSimpleStats "0"            // only look up local server stats, default = "0"
g_votePassPercentage "51"       // percentage of yes votes required for a vote to pass, default = "51"
g_voteWait "1"                  // delay (in minutes) before player may perform a callvote again, default = "2.5"
g_warmupDamage "1"              // enable/disable players taking damage during warmup, default = "1"
g_writeStats "1"                // write stats txt files at the end of maps, default = "0"
g_xpSave "0"                    // stores xp for disconnected players which will be given back if they reconnect, default = "1"
g_warmup "0.5"               // warmup time after everyone ready, % of minute
logFile "2"                     // 1 = buffer log, 2 = flush after each print, default = "0"
//logFileName "logs/ETQW_$Y-$M-$D_$h-$m-dbg.log"  // name of log file, if empty, console.log will be used. $Y = year, $M = month, $D = day, $h = hour, $m = minute, $s = second, default = "console.log"
logFileName "logs/etqwlog.log"
logTimeStamps "1"               // add time stamps to console log, default = "0"
net_allowCheats "0"             // allow cheats in network game, default = "0"
net_LANForceAuth "0"            // force authentication on LAN games, default = "0"
net_serverAllowServerMod "0"    // allow server-side mods, default = "0"
net_serverClientTimeout "20"    // client time out in seconds, default = "40"
net_serverMaxClientRate "16000" // maximum rate to a client in bytes/sec, default = "16000"
net_serverMaxReservedClientSlots "2"    // maximum number of player slots reserved for session invites, default = "2"
net_serverPunkbusterEnabled "1" // is server side PunkBuster enabled?, default = "0"
net_serverReloadEngine "0"      // perform a full reload on next map restart (including flushing referenced pak files) - decreased if > 0, default = "0"
net_serverZombieTimeout "5"     // disconnected client timeout (in seconds), default = "5"
net_updateAutoDownload "1"      // control auto download of game updates. 0 = disabled, 1 = prompt on client, auto download on server, 2 = always auto download, default = "1"
net_updateAutoExecute "1"       // execute the installer once downloaded. 0 = disabled, 1 = yes on client, not on server, 2 = yes, default = "1"
net_useUPnP "0"			// use UPnP for external address identification, default = "1"
net_serverSnapshotDelay "3"     // updates sent to clients every x frames, lowest 1, default 3, lower is better 
si_adminStart "0"               // admin required to start the match, default = "0"
si_allowLateJoin "1"            // enable/disable players joining a match in progress, default = "1"
si_antiLag "1"                  // server does antilag on players, default = "1"
si_antiLagForgiving "0"         // how forgiving the antilag is - the higher, the more forgiving, default = "0"
si_antiLagOnly "0"              // ONLY use antilag, default = "0"
si_disableGlobalChat "0"        // disable global text communication, default = "0"
si_gameReviewReadyWait "0"      // wait for players to ready up before going to the next map, default = "0"
si_noProficiency "1"            // enable/disable XP, default = "0"
si_pure "1"                     // server is pure and does not allow modified data, default = "1"
si_rules "sdGameRulesStopWatch"  // ruleset for game, default = "sdGameRulesCampaign", can be "sdGameRulesCampaign", "sdGameRulesObjective" or "sdGameRulesStopWatch"
si_spectators "1"               // 1 = allow spectators, 0 = require all clients to play, default = "1"
si_teamDamage "1"               // enable team damage, default = "1"
si_teamForceBalance "1"         // stop players from unbalancing teams, default = "1"
// Fast WWW download
net_serverDlBaseURL "" //base URL for the download redirection, 
net_serverDlTable "*" //pak names for which download is provided, seperated by semicolon - use a * to mark all paks
net_serverDownload "2" //enable server download redirects. 0: off 1: client exits and opens si_serverURL in web browser 2: client downloads pak files from an URL and connects again.
seta g_viewerPassword "346n0fd" // private client viewer pass! DO NOT SHARE THIS PW
seta ri_useViewerPass "0"
seta g_repeaterPassword "jakistam1Rep" // repeaterPW syntax: CLANTAG+Rep eg: tierRep 4kRep
seta g_privateViewerPassword "4357hgj67" // private viewer pw for clients DO NOT SHARE THIS PW
seta net_spawnRepeater "1" // tv server
seta net_repeaterPort "27777"
seta ri_maxViewers "5" // 3 repeaters per Matchserver (no clients allowed is imo a good setup)
// Custom configs
exec community.cfg
exec lowmem.cfg
// Mapcycle
// Area22
// Ark
// Island
// Refinery
// Salvage
// Sewer
// Volcano
set m1 "set g_nextMap $m2; spawnServer area22"
set m2 "set g_nextMap $m3; spawnServer ark"
set m3 "set g_nextMap $m4; spawnServer island"
set m4 "set g_nextMap $m5; spawnServer salvage"
set m5 "set g_nextMap $m6; spawnServer sewer"
set m6 "set g_nextMap $m1; spawnServer volcano"
// Initiate mapcycle
vstr m1
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