SourceMod tłumaczenie
"Phrases" { "SM help commands" { "en" "SourceMod Help: Command Information" "pl" "Pomoc SourceMod: Informacje o komendach" } "No description available" { "en" "No description available" "pl" "Opis nie jest dostępny" } "No commands available" { "en" "No commands available" "pl" "Brak dostępnych komend" } "Type sm_help to see more" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Type sm_help {1} to see more commands" "pl" "Wpisz sm_help {1} by zobaczyć więcej komend" } "Entries n - m in page k" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d},{3:d}" "en" "Entries {1} - {2} in page {3}" "pl" "Wpisów {1} - {2} na stronie {3}" } "No matching results found" { "en" "No matching results found" "pl" "Nie znaleziono pasujących rezultatów" } }
"Phrases" { "Admin Menu" { "en" "Admin Menu" "pl" "Menu Administratora" } "Player Commands" { "en" "Player Commands" "pl" "Komendy na graczach" } "Server Commands" { "en" "Server Commands" "pl" "Komendy serwera" } "Voting Commands" { "en" "Voting Commands" "pl" "Głosowania" } }
"Phrases" { "Flooding the server" { "en" "You are flooding the server!" "pl" "Nie zaśmiecaj serwera!" } }
"Phrases" { "Ban player" { "en" "Ban player" "pl" "Zbanuj gracza" } "Ban reason" { "en" "Ban reason" "pl" "Powód bana" } "Permabanned player" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Permanently banned player \"{1}\"." "pl" "Gracz \"{1}\" dostał permbana." } "Permabanned player reason" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "Permanently banned player \"{1}\" (reason: {2})." "pl" "Gracz \"{1}\" dostał permbana (przyczyna: {2})." } "Banned player" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d}" "en" "Banned player \"{1}\" for {2} minutes." "pl" "Gracz \"{1}\" został zbanowany na {2} minut(y)." } "Banned player reason" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:s}" "en" "Banned player \"{1}\" for {2} minutes (reason: {3})." "pl" "Gracz \"{1}\" został zbanowany na {2} minut(y) (przyczyna: {3})." } "Removed bans matching" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Removed bans matching filter: {1}" "pl" "Usunięto bana pasującego do: {1}" } "Ban added" { "en" "Ban has been added." "pl" "Ban został dodany." } "Cannot ban that IP" { "en" "You cannot ban that IP address." "pl" "Nie możesz zbanować tego IP." } }
"Phrases" { "Gag/Mute player" { "en" "Gag/Mute player" "pl" "Gag/Mute gracza" } "Choose Type" { "en" "Choose Type" "pl" "Wybierz typ" } "Gagged target" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "Gagged {1}." "pl" "Gagged {1}." } "Ungagged target" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "Ungagged {1}." "pl" "Ungagged {1}." } "Muted target" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "Muted {1}." "pl" "Mutuj {1}." } "Unmuted target" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "Unmuted {1}." "pl" "Odmutuj {1}." } "Silenced target" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "Silenced {1}." "pl" "Ucisz {1}." } "Unsilenced target" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "Unsilenced {1}." "pl" "Pozwolił mówić {1}." } }
"Phrases" { "Played sound to target" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "Played sound to {1}" "pl" "Odtwórz dźwięk u {1}" } "Burn player" { "en" "Burn player" "pl" "Podpał gracza" } "Slap player" { "en" "Slap player" "pl" "Uderz gracza" } "Slay player" { "en" "Slay player" "pl" "Zgładź gracza" } "Slapped target" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "Slapped {1}." "pl" "Uderzył {1}." } "Slayed target" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "Slayed {1}." "pl" "Zgładził {1}." } "Set target on fire" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "Set {1} on fire." "pl" "Podpal {1}" } }
"Phrases" { "Initiated Vote Gravity" { "en" "Initiated a gravity vote." "pl" "Rozpoczęto głosowanie na grawitację." } "Initiated Vote Burn" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Initiated a burn vote against {1}." "pl" "Rozpoczęto głosowanie o spalenie gracza {1}." } "Initiated Vote Slay" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Initiated a slay vote against {1}." "pl" "Rozpoczęto głosowanie o zgładzenie gracza {1}." } "Initiated Vote Alltalk" { "en" "Initiated an alltalk vote." "pl" "Rozpoczęto głosowanie o alltalk." } "Initiated Vote FF" { "en" "Initiated a friendly fire vote." "pl" "Rozpoczęto głosowanie o friendly fire." } "Gravity Vote" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Gravity vote: {1}" "pl" "Głosowanie na grawitację {1}" } "Change Gravity To" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Change gravity to {1}?" "pl" "Zmienić grawitację na {1}?" } "Voteburn player" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Burn player {1}?" "pl" "Spalić {1} ?" } "Voteslay Player" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Slay {1}?" "pl" "Zgładzić {1} ?" } "Votealltalk Off" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Turn alltalk off? {1}" "pl" "Wyłączyć alltalk ? {1}" } "Votealltalk On" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Turn alltalk on? {1}" "pl" "Włączyć alltalk ? {1}" } "Voteff Off" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Turn friendly fire off? {1}" "pl" "Wyłączyć friendly fire ? {1}" } "Voteff On" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Turn friendly fire on? {1}" "pl" "Włączyć friendly fire ? {1}" } "Gravity vote" { "en" "Gravity vote" "pl" "Grawitacja" } "Vote FF" { "en" "Vote FF" "pl" "FriendlyFire" } "Burn vote" { "en" "Burn vote" "pl" "Spalenie" } "Alltalk vote" { "en" "Alltalk vote" "pl" "Alltalk" } "Slay vote" { "en" "Slay vote" "pl" "Zgładzenie" } }
"Phrases" { "Timeleft" { "en" "Time remaining for map: " "pl" "Do końca mapy pozostło: " } "Thetime" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "The current server time is {1}" "pl" "Teraz jest: {1}" } "Friendly Fire On" { "en" "Friendly Fire is enabled." "pl" "Friendly Fire jest włączony." } "Friendly Fire Off" { "en" "Friendly Fire is disabled." "pl" "Friendly Fire jest wyłączony." } "Current Map" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "The current map is {1}." "pl" "Obecna mapa to: {1}." } }
"Phrases" { "Initiate Vote" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Initiated a vote: {1}" "pl" "Rozpoczęto głsowanie: {1}" } "Initiated Vote Map" { "en" "Initiated a map vote." "pl" "Rozpoczęto głsowanie na mapę" } "Initiated Vote Kick" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Initiated a kick vote against {1}." "pl" "Rozpoczęto głsowanie aby wykopać {1}." } "Initiated Vote Ban" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Initiated a ban vote against {1}." "pl" "Rozpoczęto głsowanie aby zbanować {1}." } "Map Vote" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Map Vote: {1}" "pl" "Głosowanie na mapę {1}" } "Change Map To" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Change map to {1}?" "pl" "Zmienić mapę na: {1} ?" } "Votekick Player" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Kick {1}?" "pl" "Wykopać {1} ?" } "Voteban Player" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Ban {1}?" "pl" "Zbanować {1} ?" } "Vote Successful" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d}" "en" "Vote successful. (Received {1}%% of {2} votes)" "pl" "Głosowanie powioło się (Otrzymano {1}%% z {2} głosów)" } "Vote Failed" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d},{3:d}" "en" "Vote failed. {1}%% vote required. (Received {2}%% of {3} votes)" "pl" "Głosowanie nie powioło się ! Potrzeba {1}%% głosów (Otrzymano {1}%% z {2} głosów)" } "Vote End" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "The answer to {1} is: {2}." "pl" "Wynik {1} to: {2}." } "Kick vote" { "en" "Kick vote" "pl" "Wykopać" } "Ban vote" { "en" "Ban vote" "pl" "Zbanować" } "Map vote" { "en" "Map vote" "pl" "Głosowanie na mapę" } "Confirm Vote" { "en" "Confirm Vote" "pl" "Potwierdź głosowanie" } }
"Phrases" { "Yes" { "en" "Yes" "pl" "Tak" } "No" { "en" "No" "pl" "Nie" } "No matching client" { "en" "No matching client was found." "pl" "Nie znaleziono pasującego gracza." } "No matching clients" { "en" "No matching clients were found." "pl" "Nie znaleziono pasujących graczy." } "More than one client matches" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "More than one client matches the pattern \"{1}\"" "pl" "Więcej niż jeden gracz pasuje do \"{1}\"" } "More than one client matched" { "en" "More than one client matched the given pattern." "pl" "Więcej niż jeden gracz pasuje do podanego wzorca." } "Player no longer available" { "en" "The player you selected is no longer available." "pl" "Gracz którego wybrałeś jest już niedostępny." } "Kick player" { "en" "Kick player" "pl" "Wykop" } "Kicked by admin" { "en" "Kicked by administrator" "pl" "Wykopany przez administratora" } "Changing map" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Changing map to {1}..." "pl" "Zmiana mapy na {1}..." } "Map was not found" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Map {1} was not found." "pl" "Mapa {1} nie został odnaleziona." } "Unable to target" { "en" "You cannot target this player." "pl" "Ten gracz nie może być twoim celem." } "Name" { "en" "Name" "pl" "Nazwa" } "Access" { "en" "Access" "pl" "Dostęp" } "See console for output" { "en" "See console for output." "pl" "Sprawdź konsole." } "Cannot target bot" { "en" "Unable to perform this command on a bot." "pl" "Nie moge wykonać tej komendy na bocie." } "Unable to find cvar" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Unable to find cvar: {1}" "pl" "Nie znaleziono cvara: {1}" } "No access to cvar" { "en" "You do not have access to this cvar." "pl" "Nie masz dostępu do tego cvara" } "Value of cvar" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "Value of cvar \"{1}\": \"{2}\"" "pl" "Wartość cvara \"{1}\": \"{2}\"" } "Cvar changed" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "Changed cvar \"{1}\" to \"{2}\"." "pl" "Zmieniono cvar \"{1}\" to \"{2}\"." } "Config not found" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Config file \"{1}\" not found." "pl" "Plik \"{1}\" nie został odnaleziony." } "Executed config" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Executed config \"{1}\"." "pl" "Wykonano konfig \"{1}\"." } "Admin cache refreshed" { "en" "Admin cache has been refreshed." "pl" "Przeładowano konta administracyjne" } "Invalid Amount" { "en" "Invalid amount specified" "pl" "Podano błędną ilość" } "Cannot be performed on dead" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "This action cannot be performed on dead client \"{1}\"" "pl" "Nie można wykonać tej akcji na martwym graczu \"{1}\"" } "Player has since died" { "en" "Action cannot be performed, the player has since died." "pl" "Akcja nie może być wykonana gdy gracz jest martwy." } "Vote in Progress" { "en" "A vote is already in progress." "pl" "Głosowanie trwa" } "Vote Not In Progress" { "en" "A vote is not in progress at this time." "pl" "Nie trwa żadne głosowanie" } "Cancelled Vote" { "en" "Cancelled the vote." "pl" "Anulowano głosowanie." } "Cancel vote" { "en" "Cancel vote" "pl" "Anuluj głosowanie" } "Vote Select" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "{1} has chosen {2}." "pl" "{1} wybrał {2}" } "No Votes Cast" { "en" "No votes were cast." "pl" "Nie było oddanych głosów." } "Vote Delay Minutes" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "You must wait {1} minutes before starting another vote." "pl" "Musisz poczekać {1} minut(e) aby ponownie zacząć głosowanie." } "Vote Delay Seconds" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "You must wait {1} seconds before starting another vote." "pl" "Musisz poczekać {1} sekund(e) aby ponownie zacząć głosowanie." } "Could not connect to database" { "en" "Could not connect to the database." "pl" "Nie można połączyć do bazy danych." } "Failed to query database" { "en" "Failed to query database." "pl" "Błąd podczas odpytywania bazy danych." } "Invalid SteamID specified" { "en" "You have specified an invalid Steam ID (must start with 'STEAM_0:')." "pl" "Podałeś niepoprawny Steam ID (musi zaczynać się od 'STEAM_0:')" } "Reload admins" { "en" "Reload admins" "pl" "Przeładuj adminów" } "Command is in-game only" { "en" "This command can only be used in-game." "pl" "Ta komenda może być użyta tylko w grze." } "Target must be dead" { "en" "This command can only be used on dead players." "pl" "Ta komenda może być użyta tylko na martwych graczach." } "Target must be alive" { "en" "This command can only be used on alive players." "pl" "Ta komenda może być użyta tylko na żywych graczach" } "Target is not in game" { "en" "The given player is not fully in-game yet." "pl" "Wybrany gracz nie jest jeszcze w grze." } /* :UNUSED: */ "Played Sound" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Played sound on player '{1}'" "pl" "Odegrano dźwięk na graczu '{1}'" } /* :UNUSED: */ "Slapped player" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Slapped player '{1}'" "pl" "Uderzono gracza '{1}'" } /* :UNUSED: */ "Slayed player" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Slayed player '{1}'" "pl" "Zgładzono gracza '{1}'" } /* :UNUSED: */ "Kicked player" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Kicked player '{1}'" "pl" "Wykopano gracza '{1}'" } }
"Phrases" { "No Access" { "en" "You do not have access to this command" "pl" "Nie masz dostępu do tej komendy." } "Back" { "en" "Back" "pl" "Wstecz" } "Next" { "en" "Next" "pl" "Dalej" } "Exit" { "en" "Exit" "pl" "Wyjdź" } "Previous" { "en" "Previous" "pl" "Poprzedni" } "all players" { "en" "all players" "pl" "wszyscy gracze" } "all humans" { "en" "all humans" "pl" "wszyscy ludzie" } "all bots" { "en" "all bots" "pl" "wszystkie boty" } "all dead players" { "en" "all dead players" "pl" "wszyscy martwi gracze" } "all alive players" { "en" "all alive players" "pl" "wszyscy żywi gracze" } /* This is a special "pass-thru" translation */ "_s" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{1}" "pl" "{1}" } }
"Phrases" { "Vote Nextmap" { "en" "Vote for the next map!" "pl" "Głosuj na następną mapę!" } "Nextmap Voting Started" { "en" "Voting for next map has started." "pl" "Rozpoczęto głosowanie na następną mapę." } "Nextmap Voting Finished" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Map voting has finished. The next map will be {1}." "pl" "Głosowanie zakończone. Następną mapą będzie {1}" } "Current Map Extended" { "en" "The current map has been extended." "pl" "Mapa została przedłużona." } "Extend Map" { "en" "Extend Current Map" "pl" "Przedłuż mapę" } }
"Phrases" { "Next Map" { #format "{1:s}" "en" "Next Map: {1}" "pl" "Następna mapa to: {1}" } }
"Phrases" { "Unable to find cvar" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Unable to find cvar: {1}" "pl" "Nie można znaleźć cvara: {1}" } "No access to cvar" { "en" "You do not have access to this cvar." "pl" "Nie masz dostępu do cvara." } "Value of cvar" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "Value of cvar \"{1}\": \"{2}\"" "pl" "Wartość cvara \"{1}\": \"{2}\"" } "Cvar changed" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "Changed cvar \"{1}\" to \"{2}\"." "pl" "Zmieniono cvar \"{1}\" na \"{2}\"." } "Config not found" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Config file \"{1}\" not found." "pl" "Nie znaleziono pliku konfiguracyjnego \"{1}\"." } "Executed config" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Executed config \"{1}\"." "pl" "Załadowano config \"{1}\"." } "Permabanned player" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Permanently banned player \"{1}\"." "pl" "Permanentnie zbanowano gracza \"{1}\"." } "Permabanned player reason" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "Permanently banned player \"{1}\" (reason: {2})." "pl" "Permanentnie zbanowano gracza \"{1}\" (przyczyna: {2})." } "Banned player" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d}" "en" "Banned player \"{1}\" for {2} minutes." "pl" "Zbanowano gracza \"{1}\" na {2} minut(y)." } "Banned player reason" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:s}" "en" "Banned player \"{1}\" for {2} minutes (reason: {3})." "pl" "Zbanowano gracza \"{1}\" na {2} minut(y) (przyczyna: {3})." } "Removed bans matching" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Removed bans matching filter: {1}" "pl" "Usunięto bany pasujące do: {1}" } "Ban added" { "en" "Ban has been added." "pl" "Ban został dodany." } "Admin cache refreshed" { "en" "Admin cache has been refreshed." "pl" "Konfiguracja adminów została odświeżona." } "Identify player" { "en" "Identify player" "pl" "Zidentyfikuj gracza" } "Choose Map" { "en" "Choose Map" "pl" "Wybierz mapę" } "Exec CFG" { "en" "Exec CFG" "pl" "Załaduj CFG" } "Admin logged in as" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s}" "en" "\"{1}\" is logged in as \"{2}\" with access: {3}" "pl" "\"{1}\" jest zalogowany jaki \"{2}\" z prawami: {3}" } "Admin logged in anon" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "\"{1}\" has access: {2}" "pl" "\"{1}\" ma prawa: {2}" } "Player is not an admin" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "\"{1}\" is not an admin." "pl" "\"{1}\" nie jest adminem." } "Player is an admin" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "\"{1}\" is an admin." "pl" "\"{1}\" jest adminem." } "Username" { "en" "Username" "pl" "Nazwa użytkownika" } "Kicked target" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "Kicked {1}." "pl" "Wykopano {1}." } "Admin access" { "en" "Admin access" "pl" "Prawa admina" } }
"Phrases" { "Slot reserved" { "en" "Dropped to due to slot reservation" "pl" "Przykro mi :( chwilowy brak wolnych slotow" } }
"Phrases" { "Rock The Vote" { "en" "Rock The Vote:" } "RTV Not Allowed" { "en" "Rock the Vote is not allowed yet." } "RTV Started" { "en" "Rock the Vote has already started." } "RTV Ended" { "en" "RTV has already ended, you cannot start it again or nominate maps." } "Already Voted" { "en" "You have already voted to Rock the Vote." } "Minimal Players Not Met" { "en" "The minimal number of players required has not been met." } "Map Already In Vote" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Map '{1}' already in the Rock the Vote list." } "Map Inserted" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Map '{1}' added to Rock the Vote." } "RTV Requested" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:d}" "en" "{1} wants to rock the vote. ({2} votes, {3} required)" } "RTV Vote Ready" { "en" "Rocking the Vote!" } "Don't Change" { "en" "Keep Current Map" } "Already Nominated" { "en" "You have already nominated a map." } "Max Nominations" { "en" "The maximum allowed nominations has been reached." } "Selected Map" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "{1} has selected {2}" } "No Votes" { "en" "No votes received for Rock the Vote, keeping current map." } "Current Map Stays" { "en" "Current map continues! Rock the Vote has spoken!" } "Changing Maps" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Changing map to {1}! Rock the Vote has spoken!" } "Map Already Nominated" { "en" "The map you chose has already been nominated." } "Map Nominated" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "{1} has nominated {2} for Rock the Vote." } "Nominate Title" { "en" "Nominate Map:" } }
"Phrases" { "Invalid authtype" { "en" "Auth type must be either 'steam', 'name', or 'ip'." } "Invalid immunity" { "en" "Immunity must be a positive integer." } "SQL Admin already exists" { "en" "An administrator with the given credentials already exists." } "SQL Admin added" { "en" "Administrator successfully added to the database." } "SQL Admin deleted" { "en" "Administrator successfully deleted from the database." } "SQL Admin not found" { "en" "No administrator with the given credentials was found." } "SQL Group already exists" { "en" "A group with this name already exists." } "SQL Group added" { "en" "Group successfully added to the database." } "SQL Group deleted" { "en" "Group successfully deleted from the database." } "SQL Group not found" { "en" "No group with the given name was found." } "SQL Admin groups reset" { "en" "Administrator's groups have successfully been reset." } "SQL Group X not found" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Could not find group: \"{1}\"" } "SQL Group X failed to bind" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Group failed to bind: \"{1}\"" } "Added group to user" { "en" "Successfully added one group to the given administrator." } "Added groups to user" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Successfully added {1} groups to the given administrator." } }