
Wersja KaszpiR (dyskusja | edycje) z dnia 15:41, 30 maj 2006
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Simple calendar extension for mediawiki. Released under the GPL. Copyright 2005 by Christof Damian ( I wrote this for where I have simple event calendar. Examples are at and The idea was to keep the calendar as simple as possibe and leave all the editing and page creation to mediawiki. It doesn't require any new database tables or files. To use this on your mediawiki site, copy the php files into your extension directory and put this into your LocalSettings.php: include("extensions/Calendar.php"); Then you can use the calendar on any page like this: <calendar> name=krass view=year </calendar> The parameters work like this: "view" can be "days" days from today, "rdays" (reverse days), "week","month","threemonths" and "year" (default). "name" is a name for the calendar and changes the names of the day pages. "format" defaults to '%name_%year_%month_%day' and describes the names of the day pages. "formattitle" formats the titles in today/days/week view "day","month","year" you can specify the date of the calendar, it defaults to today. currently this doesn't work with "view=week" "date" this takes a php strtotime ( http::// ) option and overrides the "day","month","year" option above. examples are: date="+1 week" date="next monday" date="+7 days" "weekstart" week starts on 1=monday ... 7=sunday. default is 1 "skipempty" skip empty days in week view "showempty" show inivitation to add entries when a day is empty, default is 1 "weekformat" format of the week, days, rdays and today view. - "text" (default), simple wikitext format - "list" a layout that uses <dl>, <dt> and <dd> (definition list) tags with the 'calendar' class added to the <dl> tag and the calendarToday class to the span tag that contains the weekday title. Merged calendar entries are added as sub lists with the name part of the merged calendar as a link to the page of that calendar. - "table" a layout that uses table tags with also the name of merged calendars as a link to the page of those calendars. The 'calendar' class is added to the table tag and the 'calendarToday' class to the span tag that contains the weekday title. format & formattitle accept these substitutions: %name %day,%month,%year any php date() substitution prefixed with '%', like '%m','%d','%Y' Thanks go to these contributors: - Amador (localization, weekformat, showempty) - Austin Che (cache fix) - Dexter Samida <> (today view)

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