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# _KaszpiR_
# _KaszpiR_
# Script to find and pack HLTV demos
# Script to find and pack HLTV demos
# if you want to change it to something else you must edit awk lines where the year/month/day is extracted from filename
# if you want to change it to something else you must edit awk lines where the year/month/day is extracted from filename
# run program with any parameter to see the list of  files that will be processed
# Changelog:
# ver 1.3 2011.01.20, 14:16
# + added basic checks to avoid error configurations, should be really more
# + running script with any parameter will show command and will require pressing any key to continue
# + added quotation marks in some places to allow specific name patterns
# ver 1.2 2011.01.16, 15:15
# + added ftp upload
# + all variables curly brackets for security reasons
# + listing old files is potional
# + added hashes on output lines for easier parsing
# ver 1.1 2009.08.31
# ver 1.1 2009.08.31
# + added option to list directories for deletion older than X days
# + added option to list directories for deletion older than X days
# + added definiton for the extension files
# + added definiton for the extension files
WORKDIR="/home/kaszpir/eggdrop/"; # enter this directory when executing any commands and creating TMPFILE
SRCDIR="/home/kaszpir/eggdrop/hlds/logs/"; # source directory where to find files for packing
DSTDIR="/home/kaszpir/out/"; # destination directory where to put packed files
NAMEPATTERN="*"; # file names to search when finding files
EXTENSION=""; # search only for files with this extension, should be the same as used in NAMEPATTERN
# for bzip2 packing try those
PACKER=`which tar`; # what packing program to use
PACK_OPT="-Pjcf"; # packing program options
PACK_EXT="tar.bz2"; # extension to use when creating archives
# example for 7zip
#PACKER=`which /usr/bin/7z`; # what packing program to use
#PACK_OPT="a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on"; # packing program options
#PACK_EXT="7z"; # extension to use when creating archives
PACKER=`which tar`
TMPFILE=".pack_logs_hlds.tmp"; # name of the temporary file to store names of the processed files
NICE=20        ;# the niceness level, 20 = lowest, do it when cpu is idle , 0 = highest, do it as fast as possible by current user
DELETE_OLD=1    ;#list dirs marked for deletion
OLDER_THAN=14  ; # 14 days
date >> $LOGFILE
echo "================"
rm -f $TMPFILE
LOGFILE="pack_logs_hlds.log"; # file to log actions
SILENT=1; # do not show some messages (to decrease the produced crap in crontab results via mail
NICE=20 ; # the niceness level, 20 = lowest, do it when cpu is idle , 0 = highest, do it as fast as possible by current user
LIST_OLD=1; #list old files, useful for scripts
LIST_OLD_FILE="pack_logs_hlds_old.txt"; # destination where to print old file list
DELETE_OLD=0    ; # defines if the script should delete old packed files
OLDER_THAN=7  ;  # 14 days
FTP_USE=1; # use ftp to upload lohs somwhere after packing them
FTP_DEBUG=0; # generate ftp transfer log with debug messages
FTP_CREDENTIALS="${WORKDIR}/.secret"; # ncftp credentials file in format, refer to ncftpput -f parameter, read the ncftp manual, make sure this file is chmod 600
# format of the FTP_CREDENTIALS file (plaintext)
# host
# user lamer
# pass dumbpassword
FTP_PATH="/"; # remore directory where to store logs
FTP_CLIENT=`which ncftpput`; # program to run ncftpput (part of ncftp packagae)
FTP_OPTS="-S .tmp";# extra ftp upload options, refer to manual
# Start of sript
date >> ${LOGFILE}
echo "# ================"
# sanity checks , very basic ones
if [ ! -d ${WORKDIR} ]; then
echo "ERROR: WORKDIR: ${WORKDIR} is not a directory.";
exit 1;
if [ ! -d ${SRCDIR} ]; then
echo "ERROR: SRCDIR: ${SRCDIR} is not a directory.";
exit 1;
if [ ! -d ${DSTDIR} ]; then
echo "ERROR: DSTDIR: ${DSTDIR} is not a directory.";
exit 1;
if [ ! -w ${DSTDIR} ]; then
echo "ERROR: DSTDIR: ${DSTDIR} is not writable.";
exit 1;
if [ "${PACKER}" == "" ]; then
echo "ERROR: PACKER: is not found, check if you got apropiate packer program installed."
exit 1;
if [ "${FTP_USE}" == "1" ]; then
if [ ! -r ${FTP_CREDENTIALS} ]; then
echo "ERROR: FTP_CREDENTIALS: ${FTP_CREDENTIALS} is not found, or is not readable."
exit 1;
if [ "${FTP_CLIEN}" == "" ]; then
echo "ERROR: FTP_CLIEN: is not found, check if you got apropiate packer program installed."
exit 1;
rm -f ${TMPFILE}
#this is just for checking what the script will do , or debug mode
#this is just for checking what the script will do , or debug mode
if [ $1 ]; then
if [ $1 ]; then
find $SRCDIR -maxdepth 1 -type f -name $NAMEPATTERN -mmin +60
echo "find ${SRCDIR} -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"${NAMEPATTERN}\" -mmin +120"
find ${SRCDIR} -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${NAMEPATTERN}" -mmin +120
exit 0
# real run
#find all files modifed over hour ago, so we gonna ignore the currently recorded demo
#find all files modifed over hour ago, so we gonna ignore the currently recorded demo
find $SRCDIR -maxdepth 1 -type f -name $NAMEPATTERN -mmin +60 > $TMPFILE
find ${SRCDIR} -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${NAMEPATTERN}" -mmin +120 > ${TMPFILE}
TOTAL=`wc -l $TMPFILE|awk '{print $1}'`
TOTAL=`wc -l ${TMPFILE}|awk '{print $1}'`
echo "$TOTAL files."
echo "# ${TOTAL} files."
for f in `cat $TMPFILE` ; do
for f in `cat ${TMPFILE}` ; do
     # display enumerator on screen, for better view if the progress is made
     # display enumerator on screen, for better view if the progress is made
     INCR=$((INCR + 1))
     INCR=$((INCR + 1))
     echo "$INCR / $TOTAL"
     if [ ${SILENT} -lt 1 ]; then
echo "# ${INCR} / ${TOTAL}"
     # split filename to daytime format, and used to produce subdirectories and pack files into the proper dir
     # split filename to daytime format, and used to produce subdirectories and pack files into the proper dir
     YEAR=`echo $f | awk -F- '{print substr($2,1,2)}'`
     YEAR=`echo ${f} | awk -F- '{print substr($2,1,4)}'`
     MONTH=`echo $f | awk -F- '{print substr($2,3,2)}'`
     MONTH=`echo ${f} | awk -F- '{print substr($2,5,2)}'`
     DAY=`echo $f | awk -F- '{print substr($2,5,2)}'`
     DAY=`echo ${f} | awk -F- '{print substr($2,7,2)}'`
     if [ "$DAY" != "$ODAY" ];then
     if [ "${DAY}" != "${ODAY}" ];then
       # detect the day change and make new subdirectory
       # detect the day change and make new subdirectory
       mkdir -p $DSTDIR/$FULLDATE
       mkdir -p ${DSTDIR}/${FULLDATE}
     SUBNAME=`basename $f $EXTENSION`
     SUBNAME=`basename ${f} ${EXTENSION}`
     # run with lowest priority to avoid cpu usage
     # run with lowest priority to avoid cpu usage
     nice -n${NICE} ${PACKER} ${PACK_OPT} ${DSTDIR}/${FULLDATE}/${SUBNAME}.${PACK_EXT} ${f} >> ${LOGFILE} 2>&1
     if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
     if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
         # packing completed, delete the source file
         # packing completed, delete the source file
         rm -f $f
         rm -f ${f}
         #packing failed, we leave the source file as it was
         #packing failed, we leave the source file as it was
         echo "ERROR: not deleting $f"
         echo "# WARNING: not deleting due to compression error: ${f}"
if [ $DELETE_OLD == "1" ]; then
   echo "Listing old files"
#Listing old files
   #           delete days! del dirs  full day  older than                    print it just in case
if [ ${LIST_OLD} == "1" ]; then
   # mindepth is REQUIRED otherwise you will delete wrong directories, like whole current year or month
   echo "# Listing old files:"
   find $DSTDIR -mindepth 3 -type d -daystart -mtime +$OLDER_THAN -print0 | xargs -0 echo
  find ${DSTDIR} -mindepth 3 -type d -daystart -mtime +${OLDER_THAN} > ${LIST_OLD_FILE}
   #find ${DSTDIR} -mindepth 3 -type d -daystart -mtime +${OLDER_THAN}
# the above line was not tested
# Deleting old files
if [ ${DELETE_OLD} == "1" ]; then
   echo "# Deleting old files:"
#echo "find ${DSTDIR} -mindepth 3 -type d -daystart -mtime +${OLDER_THAN} -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf"
   find ${DSTDIR} -mindepth 3 -type d -daystart -mtime +${OLDER_THAN} -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
echo "================"
# ftp without removing old files
# -R recursive
# -z try to resume broken uploads
if [ ${FTP_USE} == "1" ]; then
echo "# FTP process starts:"
if [ ${FTP_DEBUG} == "1" ]; then
# -d file , generate debug log
# no log
# -DD delete files after successful uploading
echo "# FTP process ends."
# removing old files
# get recursively directories , check date and rape
# execute rm  based on local directory structure
# End of script
echo "# ================="
No dobra, jak ktoś przeczytał kod to się pewnie kapnął że nie będzie kasowanych katalogów ze starymi spakownaymi demami, bo jest komenda echo a nie rm -rf
No dobra, jak ktoś przeczytał kod to się pewnie kapnął że nie będzie kasowanych katalogów ze starymi spakownaymi demami, bo jest komenda echo a nie rm -rf
Tyle, że trzeba BARDZO uważać co się będzie kasować, dlatego dałem echo.
Tyle, że trzeba BARDZO uważać co się będzie kasować, dlatego dałem echo.

Wersja z 15:54, 20 sty 2011


Potrzebowałem pakować dema do Deathmatch Classic. Zapomniałem go tu wrzucić.

  • daje możliwość tez automatycznego pakowania i segregowania dem wg daty rok/miesiac/dzien
  • nie pakuje aktualnie nagrywanych dem
  • nie usuwa źle spakowanego dema (np jak sobie dysk zapchasz :) )
  • może usuwać stare spakowane dema, np starsze niż 14 dni

Parametry w konfiguracji, linia po linii (bez komentarzy):

  • konfiguracja ścieżki w której znajduje się skrypt (WORKDIR)
  • konfiguracja gdzie znajdują się dema do spakowania (SRCDIR)
  • ścieżka gdzie zapisywać dema w formacie (DSTDIR)/rok/miesiac/dzien/
  • wzorzec rozpoznawania dem, domyślnie hltv*.dem
  • wzorzec rozszerzenia nazwy pliku dem - tego lepiej nie ruszaj
  • wybór pakera, domyślnie tar
  • opcje pakera, domyślnie dla bzip2
  • rozszerzenie pakowanego dema, domyślnie tar.bz2
  • plik tymczasowy do listy plików do spakowania
  • log z wykonanych operacji
  • ustawienie priorytetu aby nie zamulać procka (NICE)
  • opcja kasacji starych spakowanych dem DELETE_OLD
  • spakowane dema starsze niż X dni są kasowane (domyślnie 14)

Do crona wpisać cos w ten deseń:

20 5 * * * /home/hlds/scripts/ > /home/hlds/scripts/pack_demos.cron.log 2>&1

Jak włączysz mózg i poczytasz manuala to dostosujesz do dowolnego packera i pakowania dowolnie pojawiających się cyklicznie plików (chociażby log, aczkolwiek tutaj lepiej byłoby pakować logi dniami a nie każde osobno)


# _KaszpiR_
# Script to find and pack HLTV demos
# if you want to change it to something else you must edit awk lines where the year/month/day is extracted from filename
# run program with any parameter to see the list of  files that will be processed
# Changelog:
# ver 1.3 2011.01.20, 14:16 
# + added basic checks to avoid error configurations, should be really more
# + running script with any parameter will show command and will require pressing any key to continue
# + added quotation marks in some places to allow specific name patterns
# ver 1.2 2011.01.16, 15:15 
# + added ftp upload
# + all variables curly brackets for security reasons
# + listing old files is potional
# + added hashes on output lines for easier parsing
# ver 1.1 2009.08.31
# + added option to list directories for deletion older than X days
# + added definiton for the extension files
WORKDIR="/home/kaszpir/eggdrop/"; # enter this directory when executing any commands and creating TMPFILE
SRCDIR="/home/kaszpir/eggdrop/hlds/logs/"; # source directory where to find files for packing
DSTDIR="/home/kaszpir/out/"; # destination directory where to put packed files
NAMEPATTERN="*"; # file names to search when finding files
EXTENSION=""; # search only for files with this extension, should be the same as used in NAMEPATTERN
# for bzip2 packing try those
PACKER=`which tar`; # what packing program to use 
PACK_OPT="-Pjcf"; # packing program options
PACK_EXT="tar.bz2"; # extension to use when creating archives
# example for 7zip
#PACKER=`which /usr/bin/7z`; # what packing program to use 
#PACK_OPT="a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on"; # packing program options
#PACK_EXT="7z"; # extension to use when creating archives
TMPFILE=".pack_logs_hlds.tmp"; # name of the temporary file to store names of the processed files
LOGFILE="pack_logs_hlds.log"; # file to log actions
SILENT=1; # do not show some messages (to decrease the produced crap in crontab results via mail
NICE=20 ; # the niceness level, 20 = lowest, do it when cpu is idle , 0 = highest, do it as fast as possible by current user
LIST_OLD=1; #list old files, useful for scripts
LIST_OLD_FILE="pack_logs_hlds_old.txt"; # destination where to print old file list
DELETE_OLD=0    ; # defines if the script should delete old packed files
OLDER_THAN=7   ;  # 14 days
FTP_USE=1; # use ftp to upload lohs somwhere after packing them
FTP_DEBUG=0; # generate ftp transfer log with debug messages
FTP_CREDENTIALS="${WORKDIR}/.secret"; # ncftp credentials file in format, refer to ncftpput -f parameter, read the ncftp manual, make sure this file is chmod 600
# format of the FTP_CREDENTIALS file (plaintext)
# host
# user lamer
# pass dumbpassword
FTP_PATH="/"; # remore directory where to store logs
FTP_CLIENT=`which ncftpput`; # program to run ncftpput (part of ncftp packagae)
FTP_OPTS="-S .tmp";# extra ftp upload options, refer to manual
# Start of sript
date >> ${LOGFILE}
echo "# ================"
# sanity checks , very basic ones
if [ ! -d ${WORKDIR} ]; then
	echo "ERROR: WORKDIR: ${WORKDIR} is not a directory.";
	exit 1;
if [ ! -d ${SRCDIR} ]; then
	echo "ERROR: SRCDIR: ${SRCDIR} is not a directory.";
	exit 1;
if [ ! -d ${DSTDIR} ]; then
	echo "ERROR: DSTDIR: ${DSTDIR} is not a directory.";
	exit 1;
if [ ! -w ${DSTDIR} ]; then
	echo "ERROR: DSTDIR: ${DSTDIR} is not writable.";
	exit 1;
if [ "${PACKER}" == "" ]; then
	echo "ERROR: PACKER: is not found, check if you got apropiate packer program installed."
	exit 1;
if [ "${FTP_USE}" == "1" ]; then
	if [ ! -r ${FTP_CREDENTIALS} ]; then
		echo "ERROR: FTP_CREDENTIALS: ${FTP_CREDENTIALS} is not found, or is not readable."
		exit 1;
	if [ "${FTP_CLIEN}" == "" ]; then
		echo "ERROR: FTP_CLIEN: is not found, check if you got apropiate packer program installed."
		exit 1;
rm -f ${TMPFILE}
#this is just for checking what the script will do , or debug mode
if [ $1 ]; then
echo "find ${SRCDIR} -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"${NAMEPATTERN}\" -mmin +120"
find ${SRCDIR} -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${NAMEPATTERN}" -mmin +120 
exit 0
# real run
#find all files modifed over hour ago, so we gonna ignore the currently recorded demo
find ${SRCDIR} -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${NAMEPATTERN}" -mmin +120 > ${TMPFILE}
TOTAL=`wc -l ${TMPFILE}|awk '{print $1}'`
echo "# ${TOTAL} files."
for f in `cat ${TMPFILE}` ; do
    # display enumerator on screen, for better view if the progress is made
    INCR=$((INCR + 1))
    if [ ${SILENT} -lt 1 ]; then
			echo "# ${INCR} / ${TOTAL}"
    # split filename to daytime format, and used to produce subdirectories and pack files into the proper dir
    YEAR=`echo ${f} | awk -F- '{print substr($2,1,4)}'`
    MONTH=`echo ${f} | awk -F- '{print substr($2,5,2)}'`
    DAY=`echo ${f} | awk -F- '{print substr($2,7,2)}'`
    if [ "${DAY}" != "${ODAY}" ];then
      # detect the day change and make new subdirectory
      mkdir -p ${DSTDIR}/${FULLDATE}
    SUBNAME=`basename ${f} ${EXTENSION}`
    # run with lowest priority to avoid cpu usage
    nice -n${NICE} ${PACKER} ${PACK_OPT} ${DSTDIR}/${FULLDATE}/${SUBNAME}.${PACK_EXT} ${f} >> ${LOGFILE} 2>&1
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        # packing completed, delete the source file
        rm -f ${f}
        #packing failed, we leave the source file as it was
        echo "# WARNING: not deleting due to compression error: ${f}"
#Listing old files
if [ ${LIST_OLD} == "1" ]; then
  echo "# Listing old files:"
  find ${DSTDIR} -mindepth 3 -type d -daystart -mtime +${OLDER_THAN} > ${LIST_OLD_FILE} 
  #find ${DSTDIR} -mindepth 3 -type d -daystart -mtime +${OLDER_THAN} 
	# the above line was not tested
# Deleting old files
if [ ${DELETE_OLD} == "1" ]; then
  echo "# Deleting old files:"
 #echo "find ${DSTDIR} -mindepth 3 -type d -daystart -mtime +${OLDER_THAN} -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf"
  find ${DSTDIR} -mindepth 3 -type d -daystart -mtime +${OLDER_THAN} -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
# ftp without removing old files
# -R recursive
# -z try to resume broken uploads
if [ ${FTP_USE} == "1" ]; then
echo "# FTP process starts:"
	if [ ${FTP_DEBUG} == "1" ]; then
	# -d file , generate debug log
	# no log
	# -DD delete files after successful uploading
echo "# FTP process ends."
# removing old files
# get recursively directories , check date and rape
# execute rm  based on local directory structure 
# End of script 
echo "# ================="


No dobra, jak ktoś przeczytał kod to się pewnie kapnął że nie będzie kasowanych katalogów ze starymi spakownaymi demami, bo jest komenda echo a nie rm -rf

Tyle, że trzeba BARDZO uważać co się będzie kasować, dlatego dałem echo.

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