Psychostats 3.0 tlumaczenie

Skocz do: nawigacji, wyszukiwania

Tłumaczenie do Psychostats 3.0 Jeszcze niekompletne.

// Language file for global.php automatically created on Fri Apr 14 17:31:27 2006

A user is already registered with this unique ID = Już jest zarejestrowany użytkownik z tym ID
Acc% = Celność%
Access = Dostęp
Access Denied! = Dostęp zabroniony
Accesslevel = Poziom dostępu
Accuracy = Celność
active members shown = pokazanych aktywnych 
Active Players = Aktywni Gracze
active sessions = Aktywne sesje
Add New Logsource = Dodaj nowe źródło logów
Admin = Admin
Admin Controls = 
Admin Home = 
Admin Index = 
Administrator = Administrator
Administrator Control Panel = Panel Admina
Advanced Mode = Tryb zaawansowany
AIM Screen name = 
Alias = ALias
All = Wszystko
Allows you to import (upload) a CSV file = 
Allows you to import (upload) a CSV file of aliases = 
Allows you to import (upload) a CSV file of awards = 
Allows you to import (upload) a CSV file of clantags = 
Allows you to import (upload) a CSV file of events = 
Allows you to import (upload) a CSV file of player bans = 
Allows you to import (upload) a CSV file of weapons = 
An email address that other players can use to contact you = 
An email address that other players can use to contact you about the clan = 
An invalid clan ID was specified = 
An invalid player ID was specified = 
An invalid user ID was specified = 
and = i
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) screen name = 
Are you sure you want to delete = 
Are you sure you want to delete the clantag? = 
Are you sure you want to delete the following config option? = 
Are you sure you want to delete this item? = 
Assign an accesslevel for this user = 
Auto refresh paused = 
Award = Nagroda
Award Name = Nazwa Nagrody
Award Types = Typ Nagrody
Award Value = 
Awards = Nagrody
awards available = dostępne nagrody
Awards for = Nagrody za
Awards for day = Nagrody za dzień
Awards for week = Nagrody za tydzień
Bad = 
Banned = Zbanowany
Bomb Defused = Rozbrojonych Bomb
Bomb Exploded = Zdetonowanych Bomb
Bomb Runner = 
Bonus Points = 
bots = boty
Can not be undone! = 
Cancel = Anuluj
Changing your password is optional = 
Changing your username is optional = 
Check this if you want to have your login remembered = 
Choose an interesting icon that represents your clan = 
Choose an interesting icon that represents your player = 
Choose your country = 
Clan Admin = 
Clan Name = 
Clan Profile = 
Clan Profile for: = 
Clan Rankings = 
Clan Rundown = 
Clan: = Klan:
Clans = 
clans are ranked = 
Clantag = 
Clantag Definitions = 
Class = Klasa
Click here for live server view = 
Click here to add a new logsource = 
Click Me = Kliknij Mnie
Click to view weapon stats = 
Combined Weapon Hitbox = 
Config Help = 
Config Type = 
Configuration was saved successfully = 
Confirm = Potwierdź
Connect Now = 
Connects = 
Counter-Terrorist = 
Counter-Terrorist Wins = 
Counter-Terrorists = 
Country = Kraj
Create = Stwórz
Create a password = Stwórz hasło
Create a username for your account = 
Creating a new user account = 
CT Wins = 
Current Icons = 
Current Password = 
D = 
Daily Award for %s on %s = 
Damage = Obrażenia
Death Streak = 
Deaths = Śmierci
dedicated = dedykowany
Defuse Attempts = 
Delete = Skasuj
Delete Clantag = 
Delete Configuration Option = 
Delete Logsource = 
Delete Selected = 
Delete the current list of logs? = 
did not respond = nieodpowiada 
Do not delete config options unless you know what you're doing = '
Do you really want to delete this logsource? = 
Download from = Ściągnij z
Edit = Edytuj
edit = edytuj
Edit Clan Profile = 
Edit Configuration = 
Edit Configuration Option = 
Edit Live Servers = 
Edit Log Source = 
Edit Player Profile = 
Edit User Profile = 
Edit Weapons = 
Email = 
Email Address = 
Enabled? = Włączony?
Enter the current IP of your player = 
Enter the current name of your player = 
Enter the real name of the clan = 
Enter the Steam ID of your player = 
Enter the username for your player account = 
Enter your account password = 
Enter your email address = 
Enter your email address if you want to receive an email when your registration is confirmed = 
Enter your website if you have one = 
Error deleting icons = 
Error Log Events = 
Error saving image to icon directory = 
events shown = 
exact = dokładnie
Example = Przykład
Export = Eksportuj
Exports all clantags as a CSV file for you to download = 
Exports the filtered aliases as a CSV file for you to download = 
Exports the filtered awards as a CSV file for you to download = 
Exports the filtered events as a CSV file for you to download = 
Exports the filtered list as a CSV file for you to download = 
Exports the filtered weapons as a CSV file for you to download = 
Fatal = 
FF = 
FF Deaths = 
FF Kills = 
Filter = Filtr
First Seen = 
First used is highlighted = 
for = 
Friendly file kill percentage = 
Friendly file kills = 
Friendly fire kills = 
Game Sessions = 
Games = Gry
go = idź
Go = Idź
Good = 
Goto = Idź do
Goto: = Idź do:
Guest = Gość
guests = goście
H:D = 
H:K = 
Halflife (no steam) = 
Halflife 1 or 2 = 
Headshot percentage = 
Headshot Percentage = 
headshots = 
Headshots = 
Hitbox = 
hits = trafień
Hits = Trafień
Hostages Rescued = 
Hover over input labels for help = 
Hover over labels for a description = 
HS = 
HS% = 
Icon = Ikona
Icon Gallery = Galeria Ikon
Icon uploaded = 
Icons deleted = 
ICQ = 
ICQ Number = Numer ICQ
ID = 
idle = 
Image dimensions are too big = 
Image size is too large = 
Image type is invalid = 
Image Types Allowed = 
Image URL = 
Images Key: = 
Import = Importuj
Import Awards = 
Import Clantags = 
Import Configuration = 
Import Player Bonuses = 
Informational = 
Input Layout Options = 
Invalid admin control specified = 
Invalid clan ID = 
Invalid icons not deleted = 
Invalid password = 
Invalid player ID = 
Invalid Request = 
Invalid Server = 
Invalid user ID = 
Invalid username or password = 
IP Address = Adres IP
is disabled = jest wyłączone
is enabled = jest włączone
Joined = 
K = 
K:D = 
K:D Ratio = 
K:M = 
K:M Ratio = 
Kicked = Wykopany
Kill Profile = 
Kill Streak = 
Killed VIP = 
Kills = Zabitych
Kills Per Death = Zabitych do Śmierci
Kills Per Minute = Zabitych na minutę
Language = Język
Languages = Języki
Last Activity = Ostatnia Aktywność
Last Awards Update = 
Last Clan Update = 
Last History Update = 
Last Line Read = 
Last Log Read = 
Last Map = Ostatnia Mapa
Last Played = Ostatnio Grna
Last played on = 
Last Ranks Update = 
Last Stats Update = 
Last Timestamp = 
Last Updated = Ostatnio Aktualizowany
Left = Zostało
Linux = Linux
listen = listen
Live Server Views = 
Lock Members? = 
Lock Name? = 
Lock the member list from automatic updates = 
Locking your name will insure it does not get changed by stats updates = 
Log Event = 
Log Sources = 
Logged in as = 
Login = Zaloguj
Logo HTML = 
Logout = Wyloguj
Lost = 
Map = Mapa
Map List = Lista Map
Map Profile = 
Map Profile: = 
Maps = Mapy
Maps Listing = 
maps played = granych map
maps shown = pokazywanych map
Max Dimensions = 
Max Size = Maksymalny rozmiar
Members = Członków
Microsoft MSN email address = 
Monthly Award for %s in %s = 
Most Active Bomb Runner = 
Most Bombs Defused = 
Most Bombs Exploded = 
Most Bombs Planted = 
Most FF Kills = 
Most Hostages Killed = 
Most Hostages Rescued = 
Most Hostages Touched = 
Most Kills = 
Most Online Time = 
Move Down = 
Move Up = 
MSN = 
MSN Email Address = 
Name = Nazwa
Never = Nigdy
New = Nowy
New Option = Nowa Opcja
New Password = Nowe Hasło
Next = Dalej
No = Nie
No Access = Brak Dostępu
No aliases found = 
No Award Found! = Nie znaleziono nagród!
No award matches your search criteria = 
No Awards for this period = 
No awards found = Nie znaleziono nagród
No awards to display = Brak nagród do wyświetlenia
No bonuses found = 
No Clan Found! = Nie znaleziono klanu!
No clan ID = 
No clan matches your search criteria = 
No clans to display = 
No Country = Brak Państwa
No help available = Brak dostępnej pomocy
No Icon = Brak ikony
No logs found = Nie znaleziono logów
No logsources configured! = 
No Map Found! = Nie znaleziono mapy!
No Map Image Available = Nie znaleziono obrazka mapy
No map matches your search criteria = 
No maps to display = Brak map do wyświetlenia
No matches = Brak pasujących
No plain clantags found = 
No player bans found = 
No Player Found! = Gracz nieznaleziony!
No player ID = 
No player matches your search criteria = 
No players online = Brak grzaczy online
No players to display = Brak graczy do wyświetlenia
No players to list =
No previous sessions found = 
No regex clantags found = 
No User Found! = Nie znaleziono użytkownika
No user ID = 
No users found = 
No Value = 
No victims to display = 
No Weapon Found! = Nie znaleziono broni!
No weapon matches your search criteria = 
No weapons found = Nie znaleziono broni
No weapons to display = Brak broni do wyświetlenia
Normal User = Normalny Użytkonik
Not a clan member = 
Not VAC secured = Brak VAC'a'
Note: A maximum of 100 matches are returned. = 
Nothing matches your request criteria! = 
of = z
Online = Online
Online Time = Czas Online
Only enter a password if you want to change it = 
Opens in a new window = 
optional = 
Optional = 
Or = Lub
or = lub
Order = 
Overall Values = 
Override = 
Overview = 
Page processed in <!--PAGELOADTIME--> seconds = Strona wygenerowana w <!--PAGELOADTIME--> sekund
Password = Hasło
Password must be at least %d characters long = 
Passwords do not match = 
Paste Config = Wklej Konfig
Paste in the configuration text to import = 
Pause Server Updates = 
Ping = 
pixels = pikseli
Plain = 
Planted Bomb = 
Player = Gracz
Player Alias = 
Player Aliases = 
Player Awards = 
Player Bans = 
Player Bonus = 
Player Bonuses = 
Player IPs = 
Player Name = 
Player name may change automatically unless you check the 'lock name' box = 
Player name: = Nazwa Gracza:
Player Names = Nazwy Graczy
Player Profile for: = 
Player Profile: = Profil Gracza:
Player Rankings = Ranking Gracza
Player Rundown = 
Player Search = Wyszukaj Gracza
Player skill has gone down = 
Player skill has gone up = 
Player skill has not changed = 
Player Steamids = SteamID Gracza
Players = Graczy
players are ranked = graczy jest w rankingu
players match criteria = 
players online = graczy online
Please try again = Proszę spróbuj ponownie
Position = Pozycja
Powered by = 
Powered by PsychoStats = 
Preview Logo = Podejżyj logo
Previous = Poprzedni
Previous Rank = Poprzednia Pozycja
Previous Skill = Poprzedni Skill
Profile for = Profil dla
Profile for clantag = 
Quick History = Szybka Historia
Rank = Pozycja
Ranks last updated on = STatystyki były aktualizowane
Really delete selected bans? = 
Really delete selected users? = 
Reason = Przyczyna
Refine your search if too many match your search criteria. = 
Refresh Now = Odświerz teraz
Regex = 
Register = Zarejestruj
Register Now = Zarejestruj Teraz
Register User = Zarejestrowany Użytkownik
Remember my login = 
Repeat New Password = Powtórz Nowe Hasło
Repeat Password = Powtórz Hasło
Return to admin index = 
Return to the awards list = 
Return to the index = 
Return to the maps list = 
Return to the weapons list = 
Retype the same password = 
Retype your new password = 
Right = Proawo
Rounds = Rundy
Rules = Zasady
S:K = 
S:K Ratio = 
Same = 
Save = Zapisz
Save Configuration = Zapisz Konfigurację
Save Profile = Zapisz Profil
Search Results: = Wyniki Wyszukiwania:
seconds = sekund
seconds idle = 
Security Note = 
Select all visible bans = 
Select all visible users = 
Select icons to delete = 
Select Type = Wybierz typ
Send = Wyślij
Server = Serwer
Server Information = Informacje o Serwerze
Server Overview = Podgląd serwera
Session Length = Długość sesji
Session Timeframe = 
sessions shown = 
Severity = 
Shots = Strzałów
shots = strzałów
Shots per kill = 
shown = 
Skill = Skill
Specify the URL of the image to download = 
Spectator = Obserwator
SQL queries = Zapytań SQL
Status = Status
Steamid = SteamID
Style = Styl
Styles = Style
Submit Registration = Wyślij Rejestrację
Suicides = Samobójstw
Team = Drużyna
Team Actions = 
Team Comparison = 
Ter Wins = 
Terr = 
Terrorist = 
Terrorist Wins = 
Terrorists = 
Thank you for registering = Dziękujmy za rejestrację
The clan ID does not exist = 
The following options are invalid = 
The player ID does not exist = 
The user ID does not exist = 
Theme = 
Themes = 
This hitbox represents all weapon hits combined = 
This logsource has never been processed (It is safe to delete) = 
This logsource has previously been processed = 
This user will not be associated with any player = 
time left = pozostało czasu
Timestamp = 
Title = 
Top Player = 
Top Player Rundown = 
Top Players = 
Total = Wszystkich
total maps = wszystkich map
Try selecting a week = Spróbuj wybrać tydzień
Type = Typ
Unable to create temporary file for download = 
Unable to download file from server = 
Unable to process download = 
Unauthorized server specified = 
Unconfirm = Niepotwierdzone
Unique ID = Unikalne ID
Unique ID does not exist = 
unknown = nieznany
Unpause Server Updates = 
Upload an icon from your computer = 
Upload Awards = 
Upload Bonuses = 
Upload Clantags = 
Upload Icon = 
Upload Image = 
Upload New Icon = 
Upload Weapon Definitions = 
Upload Weapons = 
Uploaded icon is invalid = 
User = Użytkownik
User Login = Zaloguj się
User Logout = Wyloguj się
User Profile = Twój Profil
User Profile for: = 
User Registration Failed = 
User Registration Form = 
User Registration Successful = 
User Search = 
Username = Nazwa użytkownika
Username already exists = 
Username already exists. Choose another name = 
Username can not be blank = 
Users = Użytkowników
users and = 
Uses = Użytkownik
VAC secured = Zabezpieczony VAC
Value = Wartość
Victim Name = 
Victims = 
victims shown = 
View Gallery = 
View global stats for the = 
VIP Escapes = 
Warning = Ostrzeżenie
Weapon = Broń
weapon awards only = 
Weapon List = 
Weapon Name = 
Weapon Profile = 
Weapon Profile: = 
Weapons = Bronie
Weapons Listing = 
weapons shown = 
weapons used = 
Website = Strona WWW
week = tydzień
Week #%d Award for %s on %s = 
Weight = Waga
Who is online = Kto jest online
Will refresh in = 
Window will close when you select an icon = 
Windows = Windows
Wins = 
With selected = 
Won = 
Yes = Tak
You are already logged in = 
You can not select yourself = 
You do not have administrative privileges = 
You do not have permission to delete icons = 
You do not have permission to edit other players = 
You do not have permission to overwrite existing icons = 
You do not have privilege to edit other clans = 
You do not have privilege to edit other users = 
You have been logged out = 
You have errors in your input = 
You must create a password = 
You must create a password for the new user = 
You must create a username to register = 
You must enter your current password to change it = 
You must provide a uniqueid = 
You must provide a username = 
You must specify a clan ID = 
You must specify a player ID = 
You must specify a user ID = 
Your browser does not support IFRAMES = 
Your logo is displayed exactly as entered (HTML included) = 
Your Profile = Twój profil
Your Stats = Twoje Statystyki
Your user has not been confirmed yet and can not login at this time. = 
Your user is not allowed to login at this time = 
Przestrzenie nazw
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